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Why is important Healthy diet for students-Healthy Eating tips

Providing nutritious diet to children during board exams is no less than a challenge for mothers. The biggest question at this time is that children should be saved from stress and fatigue. Know how his Healthy diet is during this time
Mom, I’m not hungry, don’t disturb me, please let me read. Which child doesn’t have such tantrums in food! But during examinations, children show concentration only in studies and ignore the food. Children’s picky nature towards food can deprive them of complete food. In such a situation, it becomes necessary that they get enough food for their physical and mental development. Especially when it comes to board exams.

Healthy diet for students
At such a time, they should be given such a Healthy diet, which will help their health. According to the doctor, children who want to top the exam are more stressed at the time of examination. During this, it is common to lose appetite due to restlessness, but due to not eating food, weakness starts, due to which one does not feel like studying. That’s why it is important to take some time out from your studies and take plenty of food. Know how to diet during examinations

Be like this Healthy diet chart

Breakfast time

Cornflakes, oats, porridge, eggs and poha are good options in children’s daily routine breakfast. Along with this, it is necessary for the child to drink two glasses of milk a day. Fruit or salad can be consumed between breakfast and lunch. Due to this, the stomach will also be full and the mind will also feel in studies.

lunch time

Make sure to have lunch by two o’clock. Eat lentils-rice, vegetable-bread and curd in lunch. Keep in mind that do not sit down to read immediately after eating. Do walk for at least 15-20 minutes to digest food, so as to avoid stomach related problems like indigestion etc.

linear time

The time between lunch and dinner is linear time. During this, it will be beneficial to consume hot milk or less leaf tea to reduce fatigue. Peanut butter or normal butter can also be taken with milk or tea with toast, biscuits, sprouts and whole wheat brown bread. Snacks should be healthy and in limited quantity.

Dinner time

Dinner should be light. It should be less spicy. Too much spicy, fried food can harm children. Take a walk for some time immediately after eating food and before sleeping. Try not to stay up too long to study. It is very important to get 8 hours of sleep, due to not getting enough sleep, the body can feel tired and lethargic.

Also include these

It is important to have carbohydrates and fats in the food: The energy and calories needed for the mental and physical development of children are met by carbohydrates. At school age, children develop rapidly, due to which they feel more hungry and by eating enough food, their mind is also engaged in studies.
Healthy diet for collage students

Decreased protein makes the brain weak:

Protein helps in building, maintaining and repairing body tissues. Foods rich in protein are especially needed by fast growing children. Protein is essential for maintaining and increasing the mental power and mental capacity of the child while studying. The highest amount of protein is found in milk and dairy products, pulses, eggs, fish, meat. Encourage your child to eat Healthy diet rich in protein daily

It is important to take vitamins in the right amounts:

Vitamins and minerals promote healthy growth and development of the body. Iron and calcium are very essential for children. Calcium is needed for strong bones and teeth in the mental and physical growth of children. Milk and milk products and to a lesser extent green leafy vegetables are also good sources of calcium. Vitamin deficiency in children can also make them retarded. Because of which it can be difficult to remember even the simplest things, which can have direct consequences on the examination.

Iron Improves Attention and Concentration

This is an important mineral for the blood. Iron deficiency is a common problem among women and children in India. Apart from making blood, iron also helps in improving attention and concentration. Concentration is very important during the exam. Meat, eggs, green-leafy vegetables are good sources of iron. When a diet rich in Vitamin C is consumed, the amount of iron in that vegetarian diet is high.

Stomach full of fruits and vegetables

Vitamins and minerals are high in fruits and vegetables. These are essential for healthy skin, good growth, development and fighting infection. Vegetables are rich in fiber. In addition, vitamins A, C  such as magnesium and potassium are also found in them. Antioxidants are also found in vegetables, which give the body of children the power to fight diseases. Vitamin B is found in abundance in whole grains, meat and dairy products. Fiber, Vitamins in fruits also

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