
Prevent Hair Loss – 7 Essential Foods

Prevent Hair Loss your hair is basically composed of proteins, and if there is little protein in your diet, your hair is boring. Now, you may think that there is a protein in your diet, but you do not know that the rest of the body occupies a protein and only the last one is reached .. therefore, you must have some additional proteins in your diet to be enough to reach your hair enough. It is easy to find high foods at the level of protein. You include them in your normal diet, you should not notice a significant decrease in hair loss. If you are a vegetarian, you can eat chicken, turkey and egg yolk. And vegetarian options include Kale, peanuts, Greek yogurt, beans, lentils and tofu.

Prevent Hair Loss

  • Iron

If you want healthy hair, you must have an adequate blood circulation and have enough iron for your diet for proper blood circulation. Your scalp Studies have shown that if iron deficiency is occurring related to anemia in the body, treatment in that state can also improve hair health. The easiest way to increase iron on your diet is to add all kinds of dark green vegetables, beans and grains. It can also include red meat, egg yolk, clams, mussels and oysters.

  • Selenium

is a trace element seen in the body and helps to make selenoprotein it is necessary for immunity and metabolism through the stimulation of the new Cass Cass. If there is not enough selenium in the body, the existing selenium is used, which leads to the abnormality of the hair follicle and leads to damage. Try a food with a content of highly selenium, as shrimp, yellow, tuna, haribat, ham and nuts from Brazil before hurry, your favorite hair repair clinic with Delhi.

  • Zinc

zinc can improve the growth and repair of tissues, but can maintain the production of oil secretory gland present on the scalp, which is also important for the scalp and hair health. For a sufficient amount of zinc for your regular diet, it simply includes wheat germ, chickpeas, if you are a liver of saints and oysters, beef, calves.
Omega 3 fatty acids are not only the skin but also an important factor for good hair. The omega-3 fatty acids allow the scalp to penetrate the hair axis and the cell membrane to guarantee adequate hair growth. The elasticity of the hair also increases, which also reduces the possibility of breakage. However, the problem of omega-3 fatty acid is that the body can not produce it yourself. Source

  • Vitamin

The vitamin is essential for hair loss, as it contributes to Sebum’s production. Which is an oil substance present in the production of hair sacrifice. Sebum also helps prevent damage, as well as natural conditioners. Vitamin C increases iron in the body, resulting in better oxygenation of hair follicles. Add some Swiss sidewalks, spinach, or broccoli to your salad. Make some sweet potato potatoes and pumpkin soups to get enough vitamin A and C in your diet.

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  • Magnesium

Magnesium is one of the most abundant minerals to Prevent Hair Loss of the body. But it is also necessary for a large number of reactions in the body, including hair growth. This over and over again, the amount of magnesium in the body is not enough. However, there are many foods rich in magnesium, and there are also cashew nuts, almonds, brown rice, lentil and halibat.

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